Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It seems I'm at airports playing now on laptop and travelling than at home. Appreciate the help a lot and I definitely recommend Calculatem Pro to others.
Hal C.

I recently downloaded and began playing with Calculatem Pro, and I love it. It reminds me, when I get inpatient, that my hand sucks, as well as reassures me that my hand is good enough to be played when I start over thinking my hand and want to fold. It has increased my poker winnings for sure. It gives a lot of great advice, although, at some times, there is no substitute for a players intuition.
Thanks for the link, it is greatly appreciated.

I like Calculatem Pro very much, it is perfect when multitabling, no way to keep up with the odds calculating otherwise.
Ok, so far Calculatem Pro is AWESOME! Much nicer graphics. and the Pot Odds portion is awesome. I'll gladly renew when it's time. You've got a great product. I never play without it. Now I can compare my odds to win with my pot odds and make a decision without having to do it in my head. Very nice.
Thanks again! Can't wait to tell my friends!

Texas Calculatem was great and helped my game tremendously and Calculatem Pro offers everything I wanted with TC Keep up the awesome work on these great products guys!
Shane B.

Didn't realize how much better Calculatem Pro is than the original until I had used it for a few hours! Absolutely Fantastic! keep up the excellent work.

Love the program [Calculatem Pro], love the update too! Really enjoyed using the basic calculatem, but didn't really like the look of it, you've really fixed the looks with Pro.
John S

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